
Select a location at, or near, the project site.

Each of the three location selections needs to be completed in order:

  • State
  • County
  • City

At this time, the i-Tree Planting Calculator is only for users located within the United States. Please contact support@itreetools.org for more information about funding needed for your area.

Project Parameters

Configure the local parameters for the project.

This field is required.
This field is required.

Tree Planting Configurations

ATTENTION: Please, limit projects to batches of 100 or less tree groups.

Enter the tree groups for the project - use the "+" button to enter additional groups. Search for a species by entering at least 2 characters of its name. DBH and Tree Details are for the time of planting. Building information is used to estimate the impact of trees on building energy usage; enter "None" for Climate Controls to exclude these estimates.

Tree Group Information
Building Information
Tree Details
Group Number
DBH in inches
Distance to Nearest in feet
Tree is _____ of Building
Building Vintage
Building Climate Control
Exposure to Sunlight
Number of Trees
Group Number
DBH in inches
Distance to Nearest in feet
Tree is _____ of Building
Building Vintage
Building Climate Control
Exposure to Sunlight
Number of Trees
Consider periodically saving your project via Project > Save on the top menu to avoid data loss.

NOTE: Printing is recommended as the "landscape" orientation or at a reduced scale.

i-Tree Planting Report

i-Tree Benefits and Tree Growth Forecast

All amounts in the tables are for the full lifetime of the project.

Location Tree Tree Growth CO2 Benefits Energy Benefits Hydrological Benefits Air Benefits
Tree Group Characteristics Initial Number
of Trees
Species Initial DBH (inches) Distance to Building (feet) Direction Building Vintage TreeCondition CrownLightExposure DBH (inches) Height (feet) Surviving Trees Basal Area
(square feet)
Canopy Cover
(square feet)
(short ton)
CO2 Avoided
CO2 Avoided
CO2 Sequestered
CO2 Sequestered
Electricity Saved
Electricity Saved
Fuel Saved
Fuel Saved
Rainfall Interception
Avoided Runoff
Avoided Runoff
O3 Removed
NO2 Avoided
NO2 Removed
SO2 Avoided
SO2 Removed
VOC Avoided
PM2.5 Avoided
PM2.5 Removed
Avoided Value
Removal Value
Total Initial Number
of Trees
DBH (inches) Height (feet) Surviving Trees Basal Area (square feet) Canopy Cover (square feet) Biomass (short ton) Avoided (pounds) Avoided ($) Sequestered (pounds) Sequestered ($) Electricity Saved (kWh) Electricity Saved ($) Fuel Saved (MMBtu) Fuel Saved ($) Rainfall Interception (gallons) Evaporation (gallons) Transpiration (gallons) Avoided Runoff (gallons) Avoided Runoff ($) O3 Removed (pounds) NO2 Avoided (pounds) NO2 Removed (pounds) SO2 Avoided (pounds) SO2 Removed (pounds) VOC Avoided (pounds) PM2.5 Avoided (pounds) PM2.5 Removed (pounds) Avoided Value ($) Removal Value($)
Location Tree Tree Growth CO2 Benefits Energy Benefits Hydrological Benefits Air Benefits
Tree Group Characteristics Initial Number
of Trees
Species Initial DBH (cm) Distance to Building (meters) Direction Building Vintage TreeCondition CrownLightExposure DBH (centimeters) Height (meters) Surviving Trees Basal Area
(square meters)
Canopy Cover
(square meters)
CO2 Avoided
CO2 Avoided
CO2 Sequestered
CO2 Sequestered
Electricity Saved
Electricity Saved
Fuel Saved
Fuel Saved
Rainfall Interception
(cubic meters)
(cubic meters)
(cubic meters)
Avoided Runoff
(cubic meters)
Avoided Runoff
O3 Removed
NO2 Avoided
NO2 Removed
SO2 Avoided
SO2 Removed
VOC Avoided
PM2.5 Avoided
PM2.5 Removed
Avoided Value
Removal Value
Total Initial Number
of Trees
DBH (centimeters) Height (meters) Surviving Trees Basal Area (square meters) Canopy Cover (square meters) Biomass (tonne) Avoided (kilograms) Avoided ($) Sequestered (kilograms) Sequestered ($) Electricity Saved (kWh) Electricity Saved ($) Fuel Saved (MMBtu) Fuel Saved ($) Rainfall Interception (cubic meters) Evaporation (cubic meters) Transpiration (cubic meters) Avoided Runoff (cubic meters) Avoided Runoff ($) O3 Removed (kilograms) NO2 Avoided (kilograms) NO2 Removed (kilograms) SO2 Avoided (kilograms) SO2 Removed (kilograms) VOC Avoided (kilograms) PM2.5 Avoided (kilograms) PM2.5 Removed (kilograms) Avoided Value ($) Removal Value($)

Mortality is modeled as a fractional (not whole) tree estimate and may not align year-over-year.

Sequestration does not account for net differences like decay.

Tree canopy cover estimate assumes no overlap between crowns.